For months Ali Hamidi and his One More Cast team have teased us with their biggest ever launch.
The one product that was destined to ‘change the game’.
The one product that had Ali Hamidi in tears after banking one of the largest carp to be caught on an underwater camera.
And if you don’t already know what it is, you’ve probably been living under a rock for the past 24 hours.
Update: The Magic Twig is now available
The much anticipated Magic Twig! An innovative self-hooking device which has been designed to improve hookholds. It’s now available to purchase online.
- Designed to convert pick ups into more hooked fish
- Self-triggering hooking device
- Available in light, medium and heavy
Enter, the OMC Magic Twig
On Sunday, The Magic Twig was revealed on the One More Cast YouTube channel.
In a documentary style video, Ali talks about how midlands carp angler Craig Barwell approached him with a new rig component that he wanted to release to market.
The Magic Twig as it is now known, is essentially a spring-loaded component that triggers when a fish picks up your hooklink, helping to drive the hook home.
While it’s marketed as revolutionary, there has been similar rig adaptations in the past; most notably Steve Renyard’s hermit rig or the bungee rig often shown by Jim Shelley.
The carp community responds
In all my time carp fishing, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a product divide the carp angling community like The Magic Twig has.
Some are well behind it, buzzing to give it a try and see if it lives up to it’s claims as a game changer. – Typically those who are all for innovation and improvements in carp angling.
Others are quite loudly sharing their opinions of how it’s a shocking product that’s synonymous with how carp fishing is becoming a ‘catch at all costs game’ – Typically the old school anglers who’ve been around a while.
I can understand both angles.

To me the product does seem a little ‘crude’, but on the other side of the fence we’ve got to remember that whilst we all preach the highest concerns for fish safety, we are putting a hook into a carps lip at the end of the day.
There are genuine concerns around it being something else for a carp to become tethered on. Again, this is a completely viable comment and one where it all depends how the product is used.
Fisheries are already banning The Magic Twig OMC
In the most bizare twist of events, fisheries began to quickly ban The Magic Twig, without it even hitting the shelves.
One of the UK’s most high-profile day ticket lakes, Farlows, quickly announced the ban.
Each to their own, but this did seem to have a domino effect and multiple venues across the UK followed suit.
My own local venue Yeadon Tarn actually went the other way, announcing that they will make a decision upon seeing the product live themselves.
We’ve still got to remember, The Magic Twig is still yet to be used extensively.
Embryo Angling banned The Magic Twig after some time reviewing whether it was safe for use on their portfolio of waters.

What is it that people don’t like about The Magic Twig?
Like anything new, there are always concerns, but reading the comments; the biggest questions and concerns people have with The Magic Twig include:
- The Magic Twig snagging in the net
- The Magic Twig gathering weed or making it easier for a fish to become tethered if you crack off
These are just a couple of the concerns. In my opinion, a lot of the negativity comes from how the product is marketed. OMC have quite a loud marketing strategy, claiming that it’s a game changer. Almost like you can’t live without the product.
What this tends to do is come across like you HAVE to purchase it, angering the catch at all costs haters.
Perhaps a more subtle strategy might have seen a better response to The Magic Twig.
Nash TriggaLink, the original elasticated hooklink material designed to improve the hooking potential of your rigs. Widely used by Jim Shelley as part of his Bungee Rig setup, Nash TriggaLink is worth looking into if the Magic Twig is banned on your venue.
- No additional plastic added to the rig
- Improves hookholds with an elasticated effect
- Can be used on venues where The Magic Twig is banned
Ali Hamidi responds to The Magic Twig criticism
Ali has been hammered with criticism since the launch on Sunday 6th August.
To his defence, he’s come straight back to his critics via a live video on Facebook.
For 35 minutes Ali answered each and every question posed about The Magic Twig, including the concerns about fish safety as outlined above.
Ali presented very well, with a response to every concern posed by the general public.
He even mentioned how he’d spent the day talking to fishery owners and has more calls scheduled in to alleviate their concerns.
In all due respect, the product has been developed over two years, in consultation with leading fishery owners including those who manage Grenville Lake and Rob Hales Fisheries.
What do you think of The Magic Twig?
I’d love to know what you think of The Magic Twig. Good or bad? Will you use it in your angling? Let us know in the comments below!
About the writer

Rob W
I’m Rob, Carp Squad’s main contributor. I’ve been carp fishing on and off for 15 years, but the bug is well and truly back at the moment. Hopefully the articles I write on here help you put more carp on the bank.
31 responses to “One More Cast Magic Twig: Game Changer Or Not?”
Always going to be traditionists scepticism about new inventions especially ones that actually work.
Would this system eradicate foul hooking
I wouldn’t use one as I’d be concerned that the device could kick the hook length off the bottom, resting on stones or sinking into silt.
I definitely don’t have a problem with new ideas so well done OMC.
I doubt it would eradicate foul hooking, if anything there’s more chance of it due to auto-hooking ability
Yeah it’s definitely a chunky item. Interesting the way carp tackle is going at the moment. For years, it was all about rig concealment. Not it’s all about size 4 hooks with enormous coloured kickers and shrink tube.
Even if I did want to use the Magic Twig it just looks a bit too cumbersome. Then again these things are normally iterated over time and get smaller, just like the heli-safe did
I’m in full support of it being banned, no video has shown it coming through weed, remember that, also Ali claimed the arms easily break, again that demo failed! I think he’s gone cash grab since leaving korda and it’s severely clouded his judgement! Also it’s actually against the environment agency bylaw in the Thames area so using it there could land an angler a potential fine of upto £50’000
I rated Ali, but that has changed fast
He needs to simply refrain from the UK release, if lakes are banning it, stockists aren’t going to want to stock it, and in turn omc and Ali are going to take a financial loss on this one, Ali.. Save face, withdraw the launch in the UK save the expense
I’d be worried about foul hooking the fish tbh & its up to lake owners what rules they enforce
Just had another thought, I try to use leader material in a safe way to prevent damage to the flanks of the fish, I can imagine the prongs that stick out after activation causing damage when playing the fish unfortunately.
Let’s just point out here Paul Ward and Rob Hales receive a reasonable amount of money from OMC for the filming on their lakes!!
Aside from the very obvious dangers if this product let’s have a look at the practicality of it. Whilst using it and being filmed at Grenville I’ll quarantee the product was being put out by boat rather than cast.
Ali has stated that the arms, if caught in weed or in the mesh of a net will snap, this is going to be a very expensive product if you fish a weedy lake and catch a lot of fish !!
And if you are casting 100 odd yards he says you need to use pva tape on the prongs, how impractical is that when having to do a few casts to hit your spot, trying to tie pva to a wet product with wet hands .. thecoroduct really has been badly thought through …
Fair point mate didn’t think about the PVA tape on the prongs. That’s why I don’t use PVA much in my angling, other than solid bags cast to showing fish. I suspect they’ve been using boats for most of their testing to drop this.
Absolutely mate, it does look a bit cumbersome
The safety aspect of the prongs facing the direction the fish will run is a concern when fishing snaggy waters.
Another issue is PVA bags. I fish a lot with bags on the hook and when the bag hits the water there is great strain on the rig, which I have no doubt would trigger the device making it useless.
Definitely mate, it’s not the smallest object either is it!
I thought that myself mate, when the fish is going the opposite way it’s almost like one of them sea fishing leads or grappling leads that are designed to grab weed
Hi well i fish a very weedy lake so my rig is always sat in weed . i wouldn’t feel confident using this product in weed and would be worried about losing a hooked carp. i would also be worried about the arms catching the fishes scales and body during the fight . i think more evidence needs to be given before being used .especially if people are fishing near snags . it may look ok fishing in open water with no weed or snags . But this isn’t always the case . I would be so gutted if i was fishing this product and a carp i hooked got snagged up . Sorry but i wouldn’t feel safe using this product
Given the product hasn’t “hit the shelves” yet, and given due diligence thus far has been involved regarding the application and safety of the device. Then only use by fishing community involving time and employment of the product will either vindicate or castigate the product. It appears the detractors of the product, without having spent either time nor effort to assess it as to whether it is good for fish safety or not are in some ways “declutching their mouth before engaging their brain” my apologies for the analogy, but that is how it appears that some of the commercial market are reacting. Only time and employment will tell if the product is primarily safe and secondly applicable within the sphere of all disciplines of rig mechanics. As regards old school anglers I’m 72 and have fished multi disciplines from an age of 12 years old, and world wide since leaving the UK in 1976, but I’ve learnt that your’e never to old to learn!!!
I like to fish lakes with a fair bit of weed,lillies or reeds and it would be a hazard for the fish,
not only the odd large carp but tench and bream.this could be as bad as the bolt rig which most carp anglers use illegal as the bylaws state for lead’s attached to a line ie:-
You must not use any form of lead weight attached to a fishing line, other than those of 0.06g (size no. 8) or less, or of more than 28.35g (1 ounce).
This does not include lead in a weighted line, swim-feeder or fishing fly or lure.
and they could get them up to a fine of upto £50,000
sorry for the rant but its more plastic in the waters
Good comment mate and I agree, there was plenty of reactions without even looking at the product itself! I’m sure there were similar comments when the bite alarms came out or when the first lead clip was released. Will certainly be interesting to see how it goes.
Yes mate I feel the same, definitely don’t want any extra bulky plastic on the rig when fishing in and around weed.
Ich würde es auf jeden Fall ausprobieren. Wo bekomme ich es zu kaufen?
Regt Euch nicht über alles Neue auf, haltet lieber Eure Angelplätze sauber.
In all the videos I have not seen the device activate, all the fish seem to have been hooked and fleeing way before. Or am I missing it? The carp is well and truly nailed in the advert before the device has engaged.
Im with others that although practically it would be great to increase the chances but in affect it causes more issues than it resolves.
We spend to much time trying to make rigs etc to cause as little damage to the fish as possible, scaling down to maximize catching only to stick a twig on it that cant be used for distance casting and bag fishing. I dont the majority have bots or could use them if they wanted, to put them out without causing a miss fire.
Nice try, good idea, impracticable and another angler caught!
I presume it will be on sale on the One More Cast website sometime soon.
Many anglers caught I reckon! Thanks for your thoughts Ian
Now I have received my Twigs I am disappointed with the quality. These Twig must cost about 2p to make in china. The tension in the springs not going to last 5 minutes. I do not object to the use of them. Ali is worth of an Oscar for his tearful performance.
I will be returning mine to OLC
To me this is a self hooking device which are banned on every water I go to! What’s next self reeling reels!
It’s nuts I have followed Ali for years but I’m not following this unneeded piece of extra plastic on my rigs the lead helps hook holds I’m not giving the carp a set of earrings to go with the piercing gun attached to my line… an the fish bolts coz it’s just been shot in the mouth my daughter done same when we got ger ears pierced
Completely agree with you mate. Unnecessary product designed purely for money making, not fish catching
Brilliant, stop listening to the hype, some of these so called TOP Carp anglers are now only in it for the money, to me they’re worse than politicians and I don’t trust ANY of them. Carp fishing these days is absolutely mental, the amount of products that are produced to catch the angler is obscene. Some of these guys need to take a good hard look at themselves and ask: DO I NEED ALL THIS STUFF? The answer is NO, and you don’t need a piece of plastic crap that supposedly hooks fish for you. I’ve been fishing since I was 5 and am now 70. Love carp fishing, not keen on carp anglers.
Way I see it is simple … if you fish a weedy lake then probably not wise to use. If you fish a clear lake then don’t think it’s a problem!
Let’s all be clear about one thing it’s absolutely brilliant saves foul hooking the more fish that get caught with it are all checked and treated from damage from spawning so it’s like being a vet some people are old fashioned and don’t like change get a life stop moaning and do more fishing
I’ve got to be honnest and say I used to like watching Ali on his shows and using the korda products however since he’s left them and started omc all I see is him buying imports and re branding them and with this new product (magic twig) it shows the company has lost all contact with its customers. I’m sure if the product was promoted differently and more diligence given to ensure safety then it wouldn’t be banned . However I’m disillusioned with the company now and there omc waterproof hat (isn’t waterproof).
What makes me laugh is if korda released this everyone would be fighting in the shops to get one just because ali has gone on his own had to come up with something new to get himself as big as all the other competition everyone crying about it man up dont knock anything until you have tried and tested it. I bet youve all made your own boilies thinking your guna be the next famous fisherman and guess what none of you are.
It was the price that stopped me from trying the magic twig without knowing if it’s effective. The fisheries banning it and the naysayers are having a knee jerk reaction to a product they haven’t even handled let alone used. Perhaps they should avoid commenting until they know what they are talking about.