Followers of big fish day-ticket angler Tom Maker will have no doubt have seen his recent announcement; he’s launching a new content subscription service called CineCarp TV.
Following in the footsteps of Cypography and CarpFix, CineCarp TV aims to bring the ultimate entertainment in carp fishing to their subscriber base.
Tom, who most will know as a regular feature on CarpFix, announced the impending launch via an Instagram post recently.

It’s a big step for Tom, who backed his post up by saying how he was both nervous and excited for the launch. Understandable feelings like when launching a new business!
Personally, I’m a big fan of Tom and I’m sure the platform will be a real success. He’s honed a real unique style of angling which many of us can benefit from. With subscription coming in at just £6.99, I for one will be tuning in to keep learning new skills that I can take to day ticket lakes in the UK.

What can you expect as a subscriber?
Here’s what you get for your monthly subscription to CineCarp TV:
- 4 videos every month! (Ranging from session videos, Carp Stories, Tips and Vlogs!)
- Regular lives for subscribers to interact with expert anglers.
- A giveaway every month for one lucky subscriber, ranging from rods and reels to bivvys and bait!
- The big CineCarp Social! 3 subscribers will be picked every month over 10 months to join us on our annual CineCarp TV Social with a lake exclusive for a total of 30 subscribers, fishing alongside Tom Maker whilst picking his brains for tips and tactics (with a free BBQ on the Saturday evening).
- Ability to upload your own vlogs for the CineCarp TV community to see. (If you’re a budding content creator and enjoy documenting your angling journey this will help to boost your own platform and content!)
- Opportunities throughout the year for lucky subscribers to join Tom and the CineCarp TV cameras live in session.
- Subscriber siscounts from your favourite brands! (From tackle and bait to food and clothing!)
How does it stack up against other streaming services?
We think this is a refreshing line of benefits for CineCarp TV subscribers. They’re not just hinging everything on the quantity of videos produced like other carp streaming services.
Some real thought has gone into ways to include the angler more. I’m a big fan of the lives, having that bi-directional conversation with top anglers will be worth it’s weight in gold!
Most of all though I am excited to see how the angler Vlog uploads work. There is a sea of budding anglers producing content for YouTube these days, so this is a great opportunity to increase their own reach via CineCarp TV.

What sort of content will be shown?
This was the first question that came to mind when I saw Tom’s post. In my experience, other streaming services have focussed heavily on ‘campaign-style angling’, getting the carp fishing lifers on their books who are targeting the most south after carp in the UK. – Often out of the reach of the everyday angler.
Whilst I am a fan of that content from a story perspective, they offer little in the way of tips and tactics for open-access venues throughout the country.
Following Tom since his early days, that’s clearly his forte and he did announce that much of the content will be filled on ‘open-access’ day ticket venues. In his words:
No stone will be left unturned in session videos with anglers delving into their tips and tactics in great depth; enabling you, the subscriber, to learn as much as possible from each video.
When does CineCarp Launch & how can you subscribe?
CineCarp TV will be officially launching on 1st September 2023. Follow their instagram here for teaser content which is already coming through.
There has been no official pre-sign up or link added yet, so keep an eye on their socials to see when subscription officially goes live.
About the writer

Rob W
I’m Rob, Carp Squad’s main contributor. I’ve been carp fishing on and off for 15 years, but the bug is well and truly back at the moment. Hopefully the articles I write on here help you put more carp on the bank.